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In conclusion, our pilot study showed that EV HOTTIP is a potential biomarker for monitoring disease recurrence after surgery in NSCLC.

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When we focused in EV HOTTIP levels in the first post-surgical sample, we observed that the detection of an increment of the expression levels in comparison to presurgical sample, predicted recurrence with high sensitivity (85.7%) and specificity (90.9%) and that patients had shorter time to relapse and shorter overall survival. In the relapsed patients with several samples available between surgery and relapse, we observed an increment in the EV HOTTIP levels when approaching to relapse, which indicated its potential utility for monitoring disease recurrence. We observed that patients that relapsed after surgery displayed increased postsurgical EV HOTTIP levels in comparison with presurgical levels. go-dlib ( go-exploitdb (0.0git20181130.7c961e7-2) go-for-it (1.9.6-3).


After purification of EVs by ultracentrifugation in 52 serial samples from 18 NSCLC patients, RNA was isolated and HOTTIP was quantified by Real time PCR. Since EV cargo contains long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), we aimed to analyze whether the oncogenic lncRNA HOTTIP, which higher expression in tumor tissue was related to worse outcome in NSCLC, could be detected in EV from NSCLC patients and serve as recurrence biomarker. The identification of biomarkers in extracellular vesicles (EV) obtained from serial blood samples after surgery could enhance early detection of relapse and improve NSCLC outcome. DesktopOK 4.16 (32-bit) Omoguuje spremanje pozicija ikona na radnoj povrini ovisno o korisniku, razluivosti.

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In resected non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), postsurgical recurrence is the major factor affecting long-term survival. Tko mora konvertirati fontove izmeu PC-a i Macintosha, s ovim e to moi i napraviti.

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